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The Greek debt crisis is proving to be the toughest challenge the euro has faced since it entered into circulation as the common currency of the European Monetary Union just over eight years ago.

Concerns over the ballooning sovereign debt of Greece and other Euro-Zone members have shaken the markets in recent weeks and give no signs of simply fizzling away any time soon. All indicators point to a period of radical structural changes in the financial sector which will heavily affect both private and public institutions across the globe. The present crisis has also spawned a glut of rumors that a few month ago would have been deemed ridiculous such as Greece being expelled from the Euro-Zone to the crisis meaning the very death of the euro.

Given this context where gossip is rampant, here at FXstreet.com we have asked a number of experts to share their opinions on what this situation means for the future of one of the worl'd major currencies.
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